Network Tools


5  /  1 Reviews
Aug 4, 2023 Last updated



NetStumbler is one of the pioneering wireless network discovery software and have gained famousness among network administrators, security professionals, and enthusiasts, with its primarily use of detecting and analyzing wireless networks.

The application scans the surrounding area for Wi-Fi networks, giving an extensive list of available networks along with valuable details such as SSID (network name), signal strength (RSSI), encryption type, and channel information. The tool displays the signal strength of detected Wi-Fi networks, enabling users to identify the strength and quality of the network connections.

NetStumbler is compatible with GPS devices, where users can integrate a GPS unit to map and geotag Wi-Fi networks' locations, which is specifically handy for large-scale surveys and network mapping.

It is good to note though that unlike some modern Wi-Fi analysis tools, NetStumbler does not decrypt encrypted Wi-Fi networks, limiting its capability to analyze protected networks.

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