Developer Tools


5  /  44 Reviews
Oct 8, 2020 Last updated



Postman is an API development application which eases the work of developers and provides access to many built-in tools related to an API. You can use Postman to design, debug, monitor, document, mock, and test your APIs.

Currently, Postman has become the most popular tool when it comes to APIs with millions of developers using it. It is offered as a free version for individuals and small teams.

Postman Review

Postman is one of few- and possibly the only- genuinely complete ADE for application programming interface (API) development environments on the market. It is enormously popular, in use by millions of developers and hundreds of thousands of companies globally. The reasons for its vast popularity become clear within just a few hours of use. It is easy to use, powerful, and elegant. It might be the best way to build connected software in a way that is relatively easy, fast, and accurate.

One of the first things you’ll notice is that Postman is agile and easy to use. If you’re using it to develop API across teams and want to push your productivity to the limit- Postman is the way to go.

It lets you share test cases between systems and environments with little to nothing lost in the translation. Anyone who knows anything about software development knows that testing can be a real chore. Creating test suites is just as easy as sharing test cases. You’ll be able to manage whole collections of integration test cases with no problem.

Postman also lets you store data from any prior test cases within global variables which you can use as environment variables for communications between any two APIs.

The one most obvious downside is the fact that Google Chrome isn’t entirely compatible and will result in some failures. The obvious workaround for this is to use another browser. Firefox is probably better. The best solution to this is to download the full desktop version. It’s much more stable and performs the best. If you’re married to Google Chrome, it might still be worth a try- since the developers are aware of the problem- they’ll probably fix it soon- if they haven’t already.


If you’re a developer who does a lot of integration work between systems, or if you’re a backend/frontend programmer, this could become an essential part of your everyday toolset. It is handy as a means to test APIs that work with mobile applications. That is where this product shines.

Postman solves a sticky problem that is very important in modern software development- especially with the prevalence of mobile applications. If you’re concerned about making integrations- Postman lets you do just that very quickly. Better still, you’ll have the ability to test your work very quickly- which will save you enormous amounts of time and work.

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