File Sharing


4  /  46 Reviews
Dec 26, 2018 Last updated



ApexDC (known as ApexDC++) is a free, file sharing (or peer-to-peer) program for Microsoft® Windows® based on DC++ and StrongDC++ projects.

The software is open source, licensed under GPL-2 and it runs on Microsoft® Windows® XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8 and 10. If you're looking for ApexDC++ Plugins, please check the note below.

Trademark Note 1: Microsoft®, Windows® and other product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Note: You can download ApexDC++ Plugins from its official homepage here.

Important: The existing version of ApexDC++ listed on FossHub DOES NOT contain any 3rd party software bundles. The listed versions are clean, feel free to test them on VirusTotal or use your favorite anti-malware software.


ADC (Advanced Direct Connect) secure protocol

Segmented downloading

Magnet URI (magnet links) and Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) support

DHT Global Network

LUA Scripting

Intelligent file distribution

Powerful API Plugin


ApexDC++ Review

Billed as "the pinnacle of file sharing," ApexDC++ is a completely free P2P software that is based around the innovative and inclusive DC++ protocol. Easier to use than torrents with a wider selection of constantly expanding add-ons and options, ApexDC++ provides file sharing aficionados even more of a choice to organize and add to your file collection.

Easier to Use

Many people stay away from torrents because of the multi-step process that is not necessarily user friendly. ApexDC++ gives users a much easier learning curve. The user interface is quite intuitive for people who are used to DC clients. The installation process is also much easier; however, you do not need to download any of the third party products that pop up during the installation.

The architecture of ApexDC++ allows file sharers to connect with Direct Connect files in two protocols - both ADC and NDMC.

Installation Add-Ons

You actually have the ability to download some very important add-ons during the installation of ApexDC++. Some of the additions are just for fun, such as the emoticons. However, there are some functional additions that you should be sure to install as well, such as the GeoIP database.

The Advantages of ApexDC++ Over Traditional Torrent Programs

ApexDC++ has become very popular within certain circles of torrent users because of its performance and speed; however, the primary reason that torrenters come here is to interact with the expansive and very knowledgeable community that the protocol has cultivated. This community solves its own problems, with many of the older community members helping the protocol with constant updates and bug fixes.

Segment downloading is another great feature of ApexDC++ that takes file sharing to the next level for many torrenters. Segment downloading allows for an increased amount of integrity when downloading a file from many users at one time. The file also comes into its final form fully encrypted from every transfer point.

You can quickly use up all of your resources moving files from place to place using this powerful package. If you are trying to run other programs at the same time, you can take advantage of the download and upload speed limiter. This leaves an appropriate amount of system resources for your daily operations without losing out on your ability to expand your file collection.

Within the community, you will eventually find a wealth of plugins that you can use for a number of different operations: Media players, private message spam filters and many different kinds of LUA models give ApexDC++ an expansive feature set that is always looking to the next innovation in the marketplace.

Finally, you can customize the interface to your preferences if you like. Just about every font and color on the user interface is up for change.

Overall Impression

If you are looking for a file transfer module that puts you on the cutting edge of the technology, then ApexDC++ is a great competitor in the space. With good basic features such as a great transfer speed along with a community that is looking to the sky, you cannot lose when you invest in ApexDC++.

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