Developer Tools


4  /  45 Reviews
Oct 25, 2019 Last updated



BlueGriffon is a free HTML editor powered by Gecko, Firefox’s rendering engine. It works with Windows® XP & 7, Mac OS X, and from the Linux OS market, only Ubuntu is supported although experienced users might be able to build their favorite Linux version.

Like its predecessor, NVU, BlueGriffon furnishes a simple interface with all the most usual features needed to create web pages that are compliant with W3C web standards.

Important: BlueGriffon is available in two versions (A.) without a license (the free version we listed on FossHub) and (B.) another version that requires a payment to use all its available features. You can check the differences between the free and paid version by visiting the "What's Inside" section of the official site.

Trademark Note 1: Microsoft®, Windows®, and other product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States or other countries.

Trademark Note 2: Mac and OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Trademark Note 3: Adobe®, Photoshop®, Dreamweaver® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries

Note: This web editor will run only on newer versions of Microsoft® Windows® starting with Windows® 7, while there is no support available for older versions. While the program might still run on older Windows OS such as Vista or even Windows XP SP3, there are no guarantees and no support whatsoever. The same thing is available for Mac OS X® users, which will need to use a newer version than 10.8 (Mountain Lion).

Note 2: You can build BlueGriffon directly using the official GitHub repository but keep in mind that only "official builds" can enable the extra features available only to the paid version which requires a license key.

BlueGriffon Review

The interface is easy to understand and to use; its tool layout looks a lot like a word processor toolbar. The most immediately recognizable, and necessary, icons - are made plain: add a table, single image or thumbnail, link to a large picture, link, video, audio file or a form to a web page- is all straightforward and easy.

To switch from WYSIWYG mode to the web source code, click the two buttons located at the bottom of the page. Many web pages can be left open in several tabs which makes it much easier to switch quickly between two or more documents and use copy and paste- which you’ll be using quite a lot.

Making adjustments to the style of your creations can be done through the style properties menu panel, which might require the ability to write code for the majority of functions outside of the most basic ones.

BlueGriffon makes it is so easy to change the color of font or to adjust the style of your borders.

However, the style properties arrange the many styling options very tidily. The majority of the available styling options might be difficult to understand for beginners, a fact which sets BlueGriffon somewhat above the heads of anyone below the intermediate skill level.

However, this unique program has a steady hand in the area of add-ons. The most outstanding one is BlueGriffon’s FireFTP add-on which is used to publish the pages you create quickly. The majority of the add-ons are not free, but they are for the most part inexpensive, and they are well worth it if you’re going to be making a lot of web pages with this program.

BlueGriffon is a strong contender for the top five best cross-platform web editors. Of course, it can’t compete with most of the large and pricey web developer programs like Adobe® monolithic Dreamweaver®. Nevertheless, if you know you’re going to need to build some web pages for your business, or what have you, BlueGriffon is a great place to start and build up a decent knowledge base.

On the other hand, if you are creative enough, you may find that you can make great pages that stand out using this program, and you’ll be one of the proud few who makes due without buying flashy and expensive mainstream tools.

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