Audio Players


5  /  61 Reviews
Aug 28, 2018 Last updated



OooPlayer is a free audio player for Microsoft® Windows®. It has a clean, lightweight user interface and it is also friendly with your computer resources. It is one of the best candidates if you look for an alternative to Winamp® or just looking for a simple, easy-to-use music and radio player.

The listed versions are clean, without no bundles/installers and it has support for most popular audio formats (see below in the features section). This player is released under the GNU General Public License version 2.0 and is available in two versions: installer and portable.

Trademark Note 1: Microsoft®, Windows® and other product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.


- user-friendly and with a low impact on resource usage

- support for most audio formats: MP3, FLAC, OGG, MPC, WMA, AC3, SPX, AAC, ALAC, APE, TTA, OFR, WV, OPUS, TAK etc.

- support for gapless playback (uninterrupted playback of sequential/consecutive audio tracks)

- support for M3U and M3U8 playlists

- integrated lyric downloader (it doesn't work with certain files such as covers)

- save your own playlists in M3U, M3U8 or PPF format

- built-in support for radio stations (huge list available) including details about the current radio

- multiple options available: shuffle, repeat, search, jump, find etc.

- available as installer and portable version.

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