Password Managers

Wilhelmina Password Manager

5  /  15 Reviews
Oct 6, 2022 Last updated


Older Versions

# Change Log

-Master passphrase is now protected using CryptProtectMemory function

-Removed unnecessary warnings when closing Wilhelmina

-Added dark theme

-QT updated to version 6.4

-Change minimum auto encryption interval to 1 minute

-Master passphrase dialog now displays Wilhelmina logo


Wilhelmina is a free, open-source, offline password manager for Windows and licensed under the GPLv3+ license.

By default, it's wholly offline but supports syncing password data over SSH. Only encrypted data is synced, and only encrypted information is written to disk. In other words, decrypted data does not touch the hard drive.

Wilhelmina is for people who want to keep their passwords locally and seamlessly access them from every computer they use. SSH syncing works automatically once it's configured, and even if you lose your local copy of the data, this free password manager is clever enough to try to find it from the SSH server. Wilhelmina has a clean user interface. It reminds me of Password Safe, so while some might say it looks old, I find such password managers extremely easy to use, and the learning curve is relatively small.

Important: This is a new program and some users might notice the standard blue window with the following warning: "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk." Click on "More Info" and hit "Run Anyway". You can check our Virus Scan results, upload it on VirusTotal or compare the file signatures.

Note: Wilhelmina password manager is available as a 64-bit version only. Wilhelmina is tested on Windows 10 and Windows 11. This program uses AES in GCM mode with 256 keys. The same initialization vector is never used twice. Key derivation uses PBKDF2 with 200000 rounds. OpenSSL provides the encryption algorithms used by Wilhelmina. Wilhelmina password manager is written in C++ and tiny parts in C. For GUI, the QT framework is used. Libssh provides SSH support.


Offers syncing over SSH

you can find duplicate passwords

Generate secure passwords

Quick and useful search

Swift and lightweight software

Data automatically encrypted

Decrypted data is never written to disk

Simple and easy to use - easy-to-work interface

Fully open source software

HiDPI support

It supports multiple "profiles." Have your work and personal passwords separated.

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