Anti Malware

Sophos Virus Removal Tool

5  /  43 Reviews
Apr 12, 2021 Last updated



Sophos Virus Removal Tool is a free anti-malware and stand-alone tool that you can use it to scan your computer whenever you suspect a virus infection. If there's any malware that he can detect it will remove it for free. Although it is not a full anti-virus program, it can identify a various type of malware. Highly recommended to run it periodically or each time you suspect an infection along with other similar anti-malware products. It doesn't hurt to keep it installed as it won't interact with your antivirus. Unfortunately, this program is available only for Microsoft Windows users.

Important: When attempting to update Sophos Virus Removal Tool, you might receive the following error message: "Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel."

If you are using Windows 10, go to "Settings" - "Apps." Scroll down or use the "Search this list" feature until you see "Sophos Virus Removal Tool" - select "Uninstall" twice. Wait until the program is being removed (it might take a while). Now you can install the latest version of Sophos Virus Removal Tool (hint: the software publisher is Sophos Ltd).

Sophos Virus Removal Tool Review

Note: The program is quite extensive - it has over 170 MB, and after the setup, it will prompt you to update its anti-virus signatures. Please make sure that you always allow this program to update its signatures as this will help it to detect more infections. Just like most anti-malware products, they are weaker if you don't update their anti-virus database to the latest version before you attempt to scan.

It’s always a good idea to have more than one virus scanner on your computer. One scanner may miss a threat, but two are unlikely to have the same weakness. If you run a business and need a virus scanner to protect a network of terminals, the Sophos Virus Removal Tool might be a good start- but it’s also an excellent second anti-malware scanner for your home computer.

The average Sophos product is far from free and does not try to hide the fact that it is designed for use by corporate entities. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. If you run a large for profit organization that depends heavily on its computer network, then you want some accountability from your virus scanner- and the only way to get that is to pay for it.

The Sophos Virus Removal Tool, however, is available for free download. It can run on both 64 and 32 bit operating systems and is a good option if you’re looking to get a nice preview of the kinds of protection Sophos has to offer for free before you commit to a subscription-based anti-virus scanner.

It is a stand-alone tool that lets users run a quick and straightforward virus scan. It will attempt to remove any viruses it finds. It is, however, not a fully fleshed out virus protection system. The Sophos Virus Removal Tool only eliminates viruses that it finds after they have already made their ways into your computer. It does not give you “real-time protection,” web protection, or any of the other preventative benefits that you should expect from a fully fledged virus protection program.

If you do have a virus on your computer, and the damage is not too extensive- this tool may catch it, kill it, and save the day. If that’s the case, and you’re interested in the full suite of Sophos products- then you may well be on your way.

If you’re one of those who loves free software, then Sophos Virus Removal Tool may have a place in your life. Because it is both free and lite, at just 78MB, the Sophos Virus Removal Tool may be an excellent backup to whatever virus scanner and other protections you may be working with currently.

Our advice is to your run your current protection as usual- and browse around for the most featureful freeware you can find. Many free programs come with plenty of real-time and web protection features as well as a few cleaning and optimization tools. Then, knowing that viruses can obscure each other from the gaze of a scanner, run Sophos Virus Removal Tool each time your primary scan tool detects a piece of malware.

It’s small enough to be unnoticeable and powerful enough to run as a backup. And, if you like it- you may upgrade to the full corporate version at a later time.

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