

4  /  6 Reviews
Jun 2, 2023 Last updated



TinyTask is a lightweight and user-friendly macro recording software that allows users to automate repetitive tasks on their Windows computers.

With its simple interface and intuitive functionality, TinyTask has become a popular choice for automating various actions and saving time. One of the main functions of TinyTask is its ability to record and playback mouse and keyboard actions. Users can easily record a series of mouse clicks, keystrokes, and cursor movements, and then replay them whenever needed. This is particularly useful for tasks that involve repetitive actions, such as filling out forms, navigating through menus, or performing data entry tasks. One of the best features of TinyTask is its small file size and portability. The software is compact and does not require installation, making it convenient for users who frequently work on different computers or want to carry it on a portable storage device.

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